Gym Germs
It’s winter time again, which means the cold and flu season is here. The more we spend time in public places the more likely we are to increase our risk of catching a cold or the flu. The combination of the large occupancy in large gyms and the number of surface areas that we all come in contact with expose gym-goers to a slightly higher number of germs than those that workout from home. No need to be alarmed, Epic Fitness has some simple measures that can help reduce your chances of getting sick.
#1 is pick a gym that is clean with good housekeeping
Bring your own water– water fountains contain plenty of little bacteria
Don’t touch your face after handling equipment
Use wall mounted hand-sanitizer
Wipe down equipment with disinfecting cloths if available
Wear sandles or flip-flops in the locker room and showers
Get plenty of sleep– our immune system is compromised when we don’t get our 8 hours
Take a rest day– overtraining can lead to exhaustion, fatigue, and a depressed immune system
Remember that a proper training program boosts your immune system’s ability to fight off germs and sickness, so the benefit far outweighs the risk of going to the gym.